Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Mid Term Elections

So the Dems have regained control of the House and the Senate. Change is a coming. Hmm.... The people have spoken. So they spoke in every previous election. It is the people who elected George Bush and the previous representatives of the House and Senate. The people have spoken again. Are we smarter now? Did different people vote? In my mind, politicians are politicians and until one can separate one's self from party politics and focus on issues without concerns over re-election and/or campaign contributions we will soon be back in the same quagmire of ineffective policy and enforcement. Partisan politics invokes visions of a full passenger train without brakes approaching a stalled fuel truck, in full view of all passengers, with nobody willing to be the first one to jump or change direction.

1 comment:


Politics is many things.

First, regardless of political party, to politicians political power breeds arrogance and comtempt for common people. We saw this when the dems were tossed in 1994 and now the rep's in 2006.

Second, politics is about balance. That's why our federal government meanders back & forth in it's power base. The better states do the same and the "screwed up states" stay 'left' or 'right' too long.